In connection with the depletion of the largest land deposits, the practical interest is growing related to the development of both traditional gas resources of the Arctic continental shelf and non-traditional (gas hydrates) in Japan, USA, China, and South Korea.
The Arctic shelf is characterized by various engineering and geological processes and phenomena that can significantly complicate conducting works on the development of oil and gas fields. Among hazards, the special place is held by accumulations of shallow gas and gas hydrates in the upper part of the geological section.
Gas hydrates are considered the promising source of hydrocarbon energy in the twenty-first century. Therefore, the prediction of complications during opening and development of deep-sea gas hydrate deposits is rather actual.
International statistics on accidents at the facilities associated with the presence of shallow gas shows that in some cases occurred serious damages to drilling equipment, and, sometimes, death of the platform.
Drilling exploration and production wells in the intervals containing gas hydrates is also accompanied by increased gas shows, which subsequently can lead to complications and accidents.
When selecting the location of platform installation for drilling wells, it is required to consider the probability of presence of gas-saturated precipitation, since shallow gas in the soil leads to a decrease in its strength. Subsequently, this can create the situation of critical movements of the platforms and various emergency situations associated with this.
To assess the influence of the studied natural and technogenic hazards when drilling wells and developing the offshore fields, the risk register was created indicating the hazard level. It is established that when drilling the offshore wells with the use of self-elevating and floating drilling rigs, the risks have different level, in some cases unacceptable. Therefore, when planning the offshore drilling, it is necessary to carry out the complex of organizational and technical measures on risks minimization in accordance with the international rules and regulations for safe work.
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