Abstract Lubricant composition is developed for drilling mud based on the used transformer oil and the mixture of surfactants: tall oil fatty acid distillates, laprol 5003-2-B10 and bixol. The following experimental data on complex improvement of operational and technological properties of lubricant composition for drilling mud are obtained. Friction coefficient of the metal–metal pair is reduced in comparison with the prototype and analogues by more than 2 times. Efficiency of the lubricant action is improved by 1.6–2 times. Surface tension coefficient at the oil-water boundary is reduced by 10–15 times. Abnormally low flow temperature of the proposed lubricant composition allows to use it at an ambient temperature of minus 40 °С, what is of great importance when drilling wells in winter in the north areas of the Russian Federation, as the known lubricant compositions and analogues can be used only at higher temperatures up to minus 18 °С. Proposed composition has a fairly high coefficient of dispersibility in water (CD = 6–7). Coefficient of friction of the metal–filter cake pair at a Zenith angle of 30°when using the proposed lubricant composition is reduced by 1.6–2 times, which significantly reduces the energy consumption for drilling, and increases the service life of the drilling tool. Proposed composition does not contain critical and expensive ingredients, its preparation takes place at a room temperature for 15–20 minutes and simplified hardware design of the process, which reduces its cost by 1.6–2 times.
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