Application of Pareto Optimization to Increase Detectivity of Fatigue Defects in Responsible Metal Structures


The main role in the occurrence of accidental destruction of metal structures is played by the operational defects, the most dangerous among them are fatigue cracks, which are the cause of brittle fracture. One of the efficient methods for increasing the reliability of defect detection is the use of several types of non-destructive testing with different physical phenomena underlying them. To obtain expert estimates of the detectability of fatigue cracks in the metal structures, a survey of specialists with subsequent statistical processing of its results was conducted. Three samples were subjected to statistical analysis: the detectability of a defect (32 combinations of types of non-destructive testing), the cost of inspection by each combination of types, and the time of inspection. The formation of samples of the cost and time of the inspection was carried out according to the current price lists considering the expert opinions on the complexity of the operations performed. Statistical analysis showed no correlation between the probability of detecting a defect, the cost and time of inspection of a metal structure by various combinations of types of non-destructive testing. To determine the optimal combinations of types of non-destructive testing, it is proposed to use Pareto method related to the multicriteria optimization methods and representing the process of simultaneous optimization of several conflicting objective functions in a given domain of definition. Further development of the proposed methodology involves the transition from point estimates of defect detection to more accurate probabilistic ones, the expansion of the statistical base and a reasonable increase in the number of considered factors.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2022-11-57-62
Year: 2022
Issue num: November
Keywords : non-destructive testing эксплуатационные дефекты expert assessment combination of types of non-destructive testing fatigue crack multicriteria optimization methods Pareto optimization
  • Kornilova A.V.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof. of the Department, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow Russia
  • Khomchuk E.M.
    магистрант НИУ МГСУ, Москва, Россия