Based on the results of the analysis of the Russian legislation requirements, it was revealed that currently there are no single criteria for assessment of industrial control over compliance with industrial safety requirements. The state standards on the management system were studied and the definitions of the effectiveness and efficiency were considered. It is established that to achieve the goal of industrial control the most important criterion is the concept of efficiency.
To evaluate the industrial control efficiency, it is proposed to use fuzzy logic modeling, since the mathematical tool of fuzzy logic is usually used in cases when the available quantitative information is insufficient, or it is not complete enough to obtain reliable statistically significant conclusions.
To determine the input parameters in the process of modeling, the goals and objectives of industrial control are analyzed. Based on the analysis, three input parameters were distinguished: the coefficient of the elimination of the revealed violations, the coefficient of repetition of the revealed violations, the rank indicator of the group of violations and one output parameter — of industrial control efficiency.
The tool of fuzzy sets implemented in the computer modeling system MATLAB is used. The fuzzy-multiple model has been developed for assessment, analysis and visualization of industrial control performance indicators based on data obtained from internal audits. It is shown that the development of fuzzy models allows to obtain the numerical evaluation of industrial control efficiency.
The obtained modeling results clearly demonstrate the dependence of industrial control efficiency on the considered parameters of internal audits.
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