Application of the Methodology of Labor Experience Safe Potential for Assessment of Economic Effectiveness of Occupational Safety Measures


For the a priori assessment of occupational health and socio-economic damage caused by harmful working conditions, the fundamentally new approach to HSE MS in the Russian Federation is substantiated in the work based on the methodological concept of extending labor longevity. Its basic element is the application of a single comprehensive socio-economic indicator for quantitative assessment of health potential experience. Difference between the optimal and risk labor experience is the absolute quantitative indicator of the unused potential of safe labor experience for the specific employee. The objects of research are the quantitative indicators of labor experience as direct indicators of the dynamics of changes in the health of the employees in harmful working conditions and caused by that economic costs of the enterprises. Computer programs were developed, which allow for conducting quantitative assessment of the loss of duration of safe labor experience.

Comprehensive use of the programs for calculating the indicators of the unused potential of safe labor experience and the risk index of functional disorders of the body allowed to develop the personalized electronic map of occupational health for quantitative assessment of the employee individual occupational risk. The map accompanies the employee throughout the entire length of service. With its help, it is possible to solve a complex of the applied problems facing the occupational health and safety system.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2019-9-89-95
Year: 2019
Issue num: September
Keywords : occupational risk occupational morbidity workplace safe labor experience occupational health socio-economic damage