Operative Information Instrument for Mine Accidents Prevention


Statistics of production safety in the mining industry indicates two the most dangerous types of accidents: sudden outburst of coal, rock and gas, as well as endogenous fires. These types of accidents in the coal industry of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and China occur more often in the mines that develop seams at the depths exceeding 400 m, with high gas content, as well as on the seams with  shallower depths, but with endogenous fire hazard provoked by leakage air through insulating structures between the used and operating workings. In order to prevent these accidents, safety regulations provide for a mandatory outburst hazard forecast with the identification of potentially particularly hazardous zones, both in terms of natural gas content and on the behavior of the massif heterogeneous in structure, as well as the identification of the leakage air through the jumper. At the current forecast, drilling of the test hole is made as the micro model of outburst hazard with the assessment of such properties as hardness of interlayer, the amount of dust coal during drilling. The determining and single criterion is the magnitude of initial gas release from the freshly drilled hole.

Mechanical head gauge currently used for measuring the initial gas release (in fact, the capillar with a diameter of 0.5 to 2.5 mm, and an arrow spring pressure gauge) has significant resistance to gas flow, which leads to the distortion of the measurement results. In addition, there is no possibility of the objective recording of the measurement result.

CoalAwakeningBeast instrument has resistance by more than an order to the gas stream, as well as expanded opportunities for measurement, assessment and representation of the results of measurement of initial gas release, high hypersensibility when searching the leaks through the jumpers. A unique laboratory test base was created and certified for fabrication, adjustment and calibration of the instrument in Karaganda (Republic of Kazakhstan).

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2019-8-72-77
Year: 2019
Issue num: August
Keywords : forecast coal mines endogenous fire hazard outburst hazard air consumption tests parameters control prevention of outburst search of leaks hot-wire anemometer metrology methane consumption instrument fabrication certification of the device