The criticality of improving the reliability of the human factor in the production safety culture of the JSC RZhD energy complex remains relevant. In order to resolve the issue, the analysis of various acceptable and applied psychological, managerial, and economic measures has been conducted. Measures to reduce the occupational injury rate and develop the occupational safety culture in JSC RZhD have been considered. Specific attention has been paid to the comprehensive approach that covers psychological, managerial, and economic measures. The rapid development of technologies and changing requirements in the sphere of occupational safety prioritize such aspects as professionalism, discipline, motivation for work, and compliance with instruction requirements. Specific methods, including visual information, organizational measures, improving working conditions, and training formats via improving training programs have been provided. Practical examples of the successful use of such measures in the production environment have been considered by using the example of the Power Supply Directorate of the Southeastern Railway where high-risk jobs remain specific. Various measures of encouragement and motivation for employees facilitate the significant improvement of working conditions and the reduction of injury rate. Additionally, the analysis of methods to raise employees’ awareness regarding the importance of compliance with safety rules through regular training and seminars as well as the implementation of a feedback system to ensure prompt identification and elimination of potential threats has been conducted. These measures demonstrate high efficiency and ensure further successful development of the company not only by facilitating the increase of occupational safety level and the reduction of injury rate indices but also by establishing a safety culture among employees, which ultimately affects the total production performance and reputation of JSC RZhD.
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