Improvement of the Environmental Safety in the Light of Climate Agenda in the Production of Cement


Cement production is associated with the multi-stage mechanical and high-temperature processing of the raw materials. It is characterized by the high energy consumption and, along with the thermal power plants, significant emissions of the main greenhouse gas CO2 into the environment.
Cement industry is the basic branch of the construction complex, which significantly effects on the environmental safety and economic development of the country.  Environmental safety of the cement industry can be ensured based on the integrated approach which allows organizing the production process in such a way that it becomes possible to prevent or significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This will predetermine high competitiveness of the enterprises in the environmentally sensitive markets. Undoubtedly, the technological modernization of the cement industry is one of the main priorities of its development.
Results of the research allowed to identify two main directions for reducing the carbon level of environmental hazard in the cement production: reducing CO2 emissions during decarbonization by reducing the carbonate component in the raw mix; reducing fuel consumption by switching to a dry cement production method.
The prospect of transferring cement production technology to the dry method has the number of problems associated mainly with large financial, material and time costs. Considering high natural moisture content of the feedstock, it is possible to switch to a combined production method, in which more than half of the water contained in the sludge is removed by mechanical squeezing. Thus, it is possible to reduce the costs of water removal by 10 times, and the volume of investments, compared with the construction of a dry line, by 5–8 times.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2022-3-55-60
Year: 2022
Issue num: March
Keywords : environmental safety cement production climate agenda environmental impact best available technologies climate changes inventory of greenhouse gas emissions carbon footprint reduction of fuel consumption decarbonization