Currently, the problem of the negative impact of the dust factor on the occupational safety of employees of enterprises producing reinforced concrete products is at the top of the agenda. The finely dispersed structure is specific to dust contaminations emitted during reinforced concrete production workflows, which simultaneously causes increased harm to health and hampers compliance with the minimum required working area dust contamination parameters. Inertial-type dust collectors traditionally used in the industry do not meet the increasing requirements for the quality of operation of dedusting systems in working areas. In order to resolve the above-mentioned issue, it is recommended to use vortex dust collectors with better performance characteristics compared to regular inertial duct collectors. To adapt vortex dust collectors for reinforced concrete production conditions, a design of secondary flow axial input combined with an ejector unit to create a vacuum in the bunker area of the device has been proposed. This technical solution enables the reduction of the value of the breakthrough coefficient of РМ10 fraction fine particles during contaminated air dedusting. To confirm the efficiency of the application of the dust collector of the proposed design, experimental laboratory studies have been conducted. Dependencies characterizing the values of dust particle breakthrough as well as the breakthrough of fine particles of РМ10 fraction when removing dust particles of reinforced concrete production from air-dust mixture have been obtained. The calculated data have been compared with the data characterizing the breakthrough in a vortex dust collector of the VZP series, currently most often used. Based on the analysis of the results of comparative tests, conclusions regarding the high efficiency of the dust collector of the proposed design and the rationality of establishment of collective protection systems for employees using these collectors as the main dust collection equipment in conditions of reinforced concrete products and structures production have been made.
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