The Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation is a territory of large-scale projects that are primarily focused on the extraction, processing, and export of natural resources. The development of regions in these territories is associated with difficulties in self-sufficiency in food, and fuel and energy resources due to severe weather and climatic conditions and a special geographical location. In view of the vast territory, fragile ecosystem and very difficult conditions for survival, the principles of sustainable development, which imply maintaining a balance of economic, social, and environmental components, are of particular importance.
The study of the problems contributes to the development of solutions aimed at ensuring the reliability of the implementation of northern delivery measures for the sustainable development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The results are presented concerning the study of the regulatory framework related to the provision of northern delivery, as well as the study of objective factors that complicate the process of carrying out this set of measures.
It is proposed to consider the problem of ensuring economic and food security by increasing the mechanisms for carrying out northern delivery activities. An assessment is given related to the existing problems, as well as organizational and legal mechanisms for the implementation of northern delivery, an analysis of monitoring systems and ensuring information transparency of the delivery process.
As a result of the work, the specific measures were proposed to improve the reliability of supply. The digital twin system with new organizational and legal mechanisms, including the draft federal law «On northern delivery», will allow to efficiently manage current processes, use the scenario-based forecasting approaches, and assess the state of the progress of northern delivery in various sections.
The Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation is a territory of large-scale projects that are primarily focused on the extraction, processing, and export of natural resources. The development of regions in these territories is associated with difficulties in self-sufficiency in food, and fuel and energy resources due to severe weather and climatic conditions and a special geographical location. In view of the vast territory, fragile ecosystem and very difficult conditions for survival, the principles of sustainable development, which imply maintaining a balance of economic, social, and environmental components, are of particular importance.
The study of the problems contributes to the development of solutions aimed at ensuring the reliability of the implementation of northern delivery measures for the sustainable development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The results are presented concerning the study of the regulatory framework related to the provision of northern delivery, as well as the study of objective factors that complicate the process of carrying out this set of measures.
It is proposed to consider the problem of ensuring economic and food security by increasing the mechanisms for carrying out northern delivery activities. An assessment is given related to the existing problems, as well as organizational and legal mechanisms for the implementation of northern delivery, an analysis of monitoring systems and ensuring information transparency of the delivery process.
As a result of the work, the specific measures were proposed to improve the reliability of supply. The digital twin system with new organizational and legal mechanisms, including the draft federal law «On northern delivery», will allow to efficiently manage current processes, use the scenario-based forecasting approaches, and assess the state of the progress of northern delivery in various sections.
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