Improvement of the Occupational Safety in Industry by Recycling Ore Processing Waste


The article is devoted to ensuring the safety of employees in mining industries through the rational use of ore processing waste. It is substantiated that the level of danger of the consequences of mining and processing of ores can be reduced by waste disposal. The purpose of the study is to detail the processes of waste management for minimizing their impact on humans and the environment. 
An ecosystem management system based on environmental monitoring and waste disposal is proposed. As a resultant element of the research, a mathematical description of the mechanism and parameters of the movement of pollutants is given. The assessment of the concentration of pollutants was carried out on the example of the atmosphere of Vladikavkaz.
The possibility of recycling of transfer products is justified, which increases the safety of the environment and employees. A mathematical model is proposed for calculating the parameters of ecosystem interaction with mobile pollutants and a criterion for assessing environmental friendliness, depending on the degree of waste use. An arsenal is recommended concerning the technologies for minimizing the negative consequences of mining. 
It is shown that the economic efficiency of environmental conservation through waste disposal should be determined by comparing the resulting costs. Directions are proposed for improving the efficiency of field development technologies.
The performance of filling complexes with activation of the components depends on the capabilities of the activator. On the example of a specific deposit, the efficiency of waste activation was demonstrated for several years. It is concluded that the mining safety management system is formed based on combining monitoring capabilities and technological processes. At the same time, the environmental and economic performance of a mining enterprise largely depends on the use of mining and processing waste.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2023-4-51-58
Year: 2023
Issue num: April
Keywords : occupational safety recycling ore model mineral raw materials technologies processing waste
  • Golik V.I., Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., NKMMI (GTU), Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation; Prof., Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Razorenov Yu.I.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Rector YuRGPU (NPI), Novocherkassk, Russia
  • Titova A.V.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof. V.I. Vernadsky State Geological Museum of RAS, Moscow, Russia S.A. Maslennikov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Head of the Department
  • Maslennikov S.A.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Head of the Department, The Institute of Service Sector and Entrepreneurship (branch) of Don State Technical University, Shakhty, Russian Federation