One of the ways to protect the health of the employees in the mining enterprises is the improvement of the mine atmosphere by strengthening safety measures in the underground mining of minerals, especially those that pose a particular hazard. The aim of the study is to develop a technology for the radical protection of the employees from specific pollution. To achieve this goal, a set of tasks is being solved, one of which is the use of technogenic waste as materials for the preparation of hardening filling mixtures. It is experimentally established that the process of increasing the strength of the tailings of various concentration plants is adequate, the structures of which can be used to control the geomechanics of the ore-bearing massif. Classification of the strengthening mixtures that allow to increase strength can occur when unloading from the crushing and grinding mills. Use of tailings for the manufacture of insulating massifs is possible after extracting the remaining metals from them, for example, using one of the leaching methods. Air pollution with specific substances during underground mining of ore deposits can be radically reduced by isolating workings with artificial insulating massifs. Possibility of using tailings for the manufacture of insulating artificial massifs is substantiated experimentally by comparing the capabilities of mills of various types. The issues of atmospheric air pollution during underground mining, mainly of ore deposits, are considered. Quantitative values of hazard for development systems are given. The results of experiments confirming the possibility of using tailings for the manufacture of concrete insulating artificial massifs are presented. Quantitative values are obtained related to the capabilities of mills for obtaining a product of the same size with different granulometric composition of the starting material when used in industry.
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