Development of metal deposits with the underground method is characterized by active dust formation at all the stages from ore breaking to waste storage. Improvement of the labor of workers and the environmental safety are the goal of the scientific studies. The methods of study include the critical analysis of the dust sources at the stages of ore handling and the development of measures on reducing dust flows through the radical improvement of the technological processes. The information is detailed about the specifics of uranium deposits development by the underground method. Based on practice of the uranium mining plant the possibilities are shown how to reduce the risk of waste storage and the success in minimizing environmental contamination by desalinisation of the off-specs metal-containing raw materials in the underground blocks and dumps. The trends are systemized related to reducing the territories contamination with mining and processing waste by technological methods. It is shown that the radiation hazard factor determines the choice of technology. The measures for reducing harmful effects on the mine personnel are recommended. Advantages of the development systems with consolidating stowing in comparison with the development systems with ore shrinkage and the collapse of the overlying formation overburden on the dust factor are substantiated. Ranking of development systems on radiation hazard has been made. Typification of dust reduction technologies is proposed.
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