Aspiration and ventilation systems are an integral part of the infrastructure of industrial enterprises in various sectors of the modern economy. Reliable and efficient operation of these systems directly depends on the cleanliness of the internal surfaces of the pipelines which are part of them. The processes of corrosion and formation of deposits on the pipelines internal surfaces are irreversible. They often lead to violating the modes and parameters of the aspiration and ventilation systems work, and in some cases — to the breakage of air ducts and their fall on the equipment and people.
When studying, systematizing, and generalizing the methods of pipelines cleaning, the results were used related to the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific developments, targeted-oriented on-site investigations of the air ducts of aspiration and ventilation systems, as well as our own experimental studies conducted using standard and new original methods of leading experts in this field from around the world with their participation.
The possibility and efficiency of using shock air waves generated by electric discharges from high-voltage sources to destroy rust and harmful deposits and separate them from the walls of air ducts were experimentally proved.
It is scientifically justified that the introduction of the proposed method for cleaning the internal walls of air ducts significantly increases the reliability and efficiency of aspiration and ventilation systems used in various branches of industry, as well as expands their technological capabilities, allowing cleaning of the complex configuration pipelines.
Promising areas are identified concerning further research of technologies and technical means for removing dust deposits and rust from the internal walls of the complex configuration pipelines of aspiration and ventilation systems.
Improving Safety of the Aspiration and Ventilation Systems by Cleaning Air Ducts
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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2021-1-40-45
Year: 2021
Issue num: January
Keywords : safety reliability corrosion efficiency cleaning ventilation air ducts aspiration harmful deposits
Year: 2021
Issue num: January
Keywords : safety reliability corrosion efficiency cleaning ventilation air ducts aspiration harmful deposits
Gurin A.A.
Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Krivoy Rog National University, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine
Lyashenko V.I.
Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Research Assistant, Head of the Department GP «UkrNIPII promtekhnologii», Zheltuye Vody, Ukraine