The main scientific and practical calculations used to increase the efficiency of vertical mine workings based on studying the operation of tunneling complexes and road-heading machines, as well as by sectional blasting of the deep wells are presented in the article. This will ensure high-quality mine workings in accordance with the design and improve the operational safety throughout the entire service life. The methods are used related to the complex generalization, analysis and assessment of the practical experience and scientific achievements in the field of the underground geotechnology, theory and practice of explosive destruction of the solid media, mechanics of continuous media, mathematical statistics, as well as studies of the wave processes according to the standard and new methods developed by the leading experts from the leading mining countries of the world, including with the authors participation.
Technological audit of the vertical working drilling and blasting was conducted using KPV-4A tunneling complex and the tunneling machine Robbins 73R, as well as the efficiency of conducting them in the cycle of mining operations was established. Mathematical modeling and calculation of the parameters of drilling and blasting operations were carried out using the contour blasting of explosive charges when driving vertical mine workings. Rounder of RS-220 type for the hole boring was recommended (complete with machine tool NKR-100MPА) of the downward wells with a diameter of 220 mm in rocks with a coefficient of f = 8–14 according to the scale of M.M. Protodyakonov, which is already being used at the mines of Ukraine, Russia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, and other countries.
The new device for the contactless transmission of electricity from the stationary object to a mobile one was proposed, which will allow to improve the operating conditions of KPV-4A tunneling complex, LMSh-1 mine type elevator used for lifting and lowering people, small equipment, and materials along the rise workings, which is achieved due to external location of the cable rewinding mechanism and the absence of complex, for example, planetary mechanisms. It will also improve the efficiency and safety of work for the vertical mine workings in the rock massifs.
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