The statistics of occupational injuries in the Russian Federation are analyzed. For 2019–2020 there was an increase in occupational injuries and fatal injuries. It was also revealed that among incidents at the workplace, electrical injuries are less common, but cases of electric shock most often result in high-severity injuries and fatal case. As a rule, electrical personnel suffer from electrical injuries. Professional selection of electrical personnel is proposed as one of the ways to reduce occupational injuries. Electrical personnel must have certain qualities (developed at the required level of thinking, attention, responsibility for the result of work, for their own and other people lives, communicative potential, moral standards, etc.) that allow employees to carry out their activities, which will contribute to improving occupational safety. Therefore, professional selection must consider the peculiarities of working with electrical installations. Occupational safety is also influenced by the tension of the labor process. In this regard, the fragments of the protocols on the indicators of the intensity of electrical personnel labor process, which were drawn up during the assessment of working conditions, were analyzed. It is noted that each profession related to electrical personnel differs in the class of working conditions according to the factors of labor process intensity at the workplace. Situations can also be observed when one profession at the different workplaces can have a different class of working conditions for the same indicators of labor process intensity. Based on the analysis of the protocols, it can be concluded that professional selection should consider the characteristics of the electrical personnel, as well as the classes of working conditions according to the indicators available in the protocols of the labor process intensity.
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