Relevance of the problem for ensuring fire safety of electrical wiring is associated with very unfavorable statistics of fires in Russia. Annually, electrical wiring according to the main fire hazard indicators (number of fires, direct damage and the number of people perished in fires) traditionally by a wide margin take the first place among all other types of electrical installations.
In this regard, FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia, along with the specialized organizations and supervisory authorities is taking measures on reducing this fire hazard: widening of the nomenclature, improvement of the quality and reliability of electrical protection, etc.
In Russia, arcover protection devices can rightly be attributed to the new types of electrical protection, which, in a proactive manner of the manufacturers already begin to take root in the absence of the correct regulatory support and the required certification control.
Experience of using arcover protection devices from abroad and the regulatory requirements applied to them are analyzed in the article.
The algorithm and principles of these protection devices functioning are considered, as well as the analytical analysis of the thermophysical processes occurring in the arc discharges in case of damage of the conductors, which fire hazard should be prevented by the arcover protection devices.
Practical significance of work is in analyzing the results of large-scale experimental studies of arcover protection devices, which were performed in the Institute for compliance with the requirements of GOST IEC 62606—2016, and assessment of their efficiency in the conditions of actual operation at the facility.
The result of work is the recommendations on updating algorithm for arcover protection devices actuation and clarifying possible areas of their application at the industrial facilities inclusive.
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