The study considers the problems of the importance of improving the quality of professional development of employees and their competencies to prevent accidents at the production facilities of the company. Despite the implementation of modern technologies and innovations, the role of employees in workflows remains crucial. Accidents and incidents in RZhD JSC, including the events that occurred due to the fault of employees, have been analyzed. The causes of incidents and accidents at production have been identified. Proposals for the improvement of the process of personnel training have been formulated. A promising method in the form of an employee’s safety passport has been suggested as a solution. This means that each employee of the company must undergo continuous training during their entire professional career. To achieve high results, innovative solutions must be applied to the system of personnel training. The implementation of innovative methods will allow to control the workflow and take prompt measures to improve and develop the training system. The promising vision of the use of new engineering and technological solutions, digital options for occupational optimization and organization has been demonstrated.
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