Low level of safety culture continues to be the cause of most work injuries. The state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of industrial and occupational safety is aimed at the development and implementation of the preventive model of industrial and occupational safety management, formation and development of industrial safety high culture as an important component of health and safety management system. The international practice of the assessment of industrial safety culture level is studied in the article, and the author approach is proposed based on the methods of data statistical analysis from the results of two-stage questionnaire, which was applied on one of gas transmission companies. The first questionnaire consisted of 10 questions for estimate of the employees social and biographical characteristics. The second questionnaire has 64 statements for the estimate of 16 components of the enterprise safety culture. Using a single-factor dispersion analysis the mathematical processing of the questionnaire results was conducted for 614 employees, and the dependence was identified between the social and biographical characteristics of the employees and the components of safety culture estimated by them. In addition, the histogram was built related the values of average estimates of safety culture components. Through the cluster analysis, all the questioned specialists were divided into 3 clusters: 44.3 % estimated safety culture at the average level, 30.94 % — at a high level, 24.76 % — at the low level. Estimate of safety culture current level allows not only to analyze the feedback of the employees on the issues of industrial and occupational safety, but also to develop the necessary measures on injuries and accidents prevention due to human factor.
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