Assessment of Tailor Professional Risks


Every employee in the course of his work is faced with production factors that can lead to adverse consequences in the form of diseases and /or injuries. At the same time, the identification of hazards is still a difficult task even for the specialists. All this makes it difficult for the manager to ensure the safety of employees.
Profession of the tailor was chosen as the object of the study. The labor operations were analyzed performed by the employee, as well as the condition of the equipment and tools involved in the work and the room, in which the workplace is located, along with the results of the special assessment of working conditions. The authors came to a conclusion that this procedure is not able to assess all the hazards that an employee is exposed to at his workplace during the performance of his work duties.
That is why a risk assessment procedure was recently introduced in the workplace, which is mandatory for all employers. However, a single method for risk assessment was not proposed yet. In this regard, the literature sources were analyzed, and the most popular methods were selected: the Elmery method, Fine-Kinney method, the matrix method, and the checklist method. During the risk assessment procedure, conflicting results were obtained. If we assess the risk using the checklist method, then the tailor professional risk is assessed as low, according to the Elmery method - medium, and the Fine-Kinney and matrix methods showed a high level of risk. This suggests that the choice of method directly affects the final result and the magnitude of occupational risk. At the same time, the risk assessment procedure helps to identify hazards that were not considered during a special assessment of working conditions, which helps to promptly take measures to reduce hazards and improve the working conditions of the employee.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2023-4-67-74
Year: 2023
Issue num: April
Keywords : occupational risk risk assessment special assessment of working conditions clothing industry tailor risk assessment methods