Occupational Risk Assessment of Flaw Detectors at a Gas Production Enterprise


The assessment was conducted concerning the occupational risk of personnel at a gas field facility using five methodologies. To date, there is no unified methodology for assessing occupational risk, this is the main problem in the field of occupational risk management in the Russian Federation. All existing methods consider the theoretical side of risk assessment, while a wide range of practical issues remain unresolved. A comparative description of the five most common methodologies is presented in the article: the risk assessment methodology according to the Fine — Kinney system; guide R 2.2.1766—03; methodology for the integral assessment of working conditions taking into account the combined effect of a complex of harmful production factors; risk assessment methodology consideringthe multifactorial action of a complex of harmful factors of the production environment; methodology for calculating individual occupational risk depending on the working conditions and the health status of the employee. To assess the occupational risk, the workplaces of flaw detectorists were chosen, since they are exposed to the greatest number of harmful factors in the production environment, which is required for the most complete risk assessment and identification of the dependence of its magnitude on various factors.

To assess the occupational risk for flaw detectorists, the methodologies were used that consider both general and individual risk; the methodologies that give qualitative and quantitative characteristics of risk. 

A comparative analysis of the obtained results of risk assessment using these methodologies was carried out.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2023-2-82-87
Year: 2023
Issue num: February
Keywords : occupational safety occupational risk working conditions risk assessment methods personnel morbidity
  • Firsova V.M.
    Assistant of the Department, firsova_vm@mail.ru National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia
  • Pototskiy E.P.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof. National University of Science and Technology MISiS, Moscow, Russia