Assessment of the Accumulation of Toxic Metals in the Body of Employees in Industries with Unfavorable Working Conditions


The problem is considered related to the accumulation of toxic metals in the body of employees in industries with unfavorable working conditions. The mechanism of accumulation of toxic metals over time in the body of employees of two facilities for solar modules production was studied. «Elemental portraits» of employees were compiled, demonstrating the redistribution of bioelements in the human body. The comparison is made concerning the «elemental portraits» of workers employed in the production of solar modules of different types: based on heterojunction silicon solar cells, and, on the basis of multijunction solar cells (using A3B5 compounds).
A comprehensive study of the technological cycle of solar modules production was carried to identify the features of such enterprises. As a result of the workers hair study, a heterogeneous distribution of the content of vital and toxic elements was revealed. Thus, in the hair samples of employees of the enterprises under consideration, a statistically significant (p < 0.05) showed an increased level of toxic and conditionally toxic elements (aluminum, germanium, gallium, indium) relative to similar indicators in a group of practically healthy people. In addition, metabolic disorders, and a decrease in the level of such vital elements as zinc, magnesium and calcium were found. Based on the conducted analysis, it was found that «elemental portraits» can be used to develop and implement measures for improving working conditions and reducing occupational risks at the workplaces of the enterprises with unfavorable working conditions, in particular, for the solar modules production.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2022-12-36-41
Year: 2022
Issue num: December
Keywords : методика контроля occupational risk management solar modules production technological cycle of production unfavorable working conditions toxic metals «elemental portrait» nanomaterials
  • Kontrosh L.V.
    Assistant, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI», Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Khramov A.V.
    Dr. Sci. (Med.), Prof. Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI», Saint Petersburg, Russia Prof. BSTU Voenmekh named after D.F. Ustinov, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Kalinovskiy V.S.
    Senior Research Associate Ioffe Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  • Kontrosh E.V.
    Research Associate Ioffe Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia