One of the reasons for the breakthrough of the pit bowl, and, accordingly, the flooding of the kimberlite mine Mir could be the deterioration of the drainage system from the mine. The slowdown in the process of pumping mine water from the Mir mine to the daytime surface is explained by the fact that the actual total productivity of its two main drainage installations was not designed to pump out the water inflow, which is much higher than normal. After the emergency that resulted in the death of people, and subsequently the conservation of the mine for an indefinite period, a detailed study of ways to improve the reliability of the operation of the main drainage installations of operating kimberlite mines became one of the areas of scientific research of PJSC ALROSA (PJSC). To date, the most flooded domestic kimberlite mine is the Udachny mine. The pumping equipment of its main dewatering plant is characterized by a rather low operational reliability.
The article is devoted to assessing the reliability of the operation of the main drainage plant in the Udachny kimberlite mine for the period 2016–2021. It is established that the time spent by the pumping equipment of the main drainage plant for pumping out normal and maximum water inflows increased by 2 and 2.5 times, respectively, in this period, which negatively affected the reliability of its operation in terms of compliance with the safety requirements. To ensure long-term reliable and efficient operation of the main dewatering plant of the Udachny mine, it is required to lay another injection pipeline staves, as well as to drill catchment mine workings near the quarry, in the areas where the main volume of quarry water is formed.
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