The statistics is presented in the article concerning the industrial explosives consumption in the world and in the Russian Federation, based on which it is possible to estimate the scale of emission of toxic gaseous explosion products into the environment. The mechanism of formation of gaseous explosion products depending on the oxygen balance of the mixed ammonium nitrate explosive is briefly outlined. In the methodological part of the work, an overview is made related to some computational methods for determining the qualitative and quantitative compositions of gaseous explosion products of industrial explosives based on ammonium nitrate. The main regularities of the influence of physical and physicochemical factors surrounding the charge of an industrial explosive on the formation of toxic gaseous explosion products are described. Computational part of the work is a description of the calculation parameters and the used software packages Shock and Detonation and Real, and the tabulated results of the calculations in comparison with the experimental data obtained from the literature sources. When discussing the results, it is shown that using theoretical calculation methods, only an approximate estimate (with an error of more than 32 %) of the qualitative and quantitative compositions of gaseous explosion products is possible. Doubt is expressed about the conversion coefficient of the concentration of nitrogen oxides to the conditional carbon monoxide-6.5, which is adopted for use in the calculations without substantiating the reasons. It is concluded that only computational methods for determining the composition of gaseous explosion products are available, the results of which are far from reality, and experimental methods are only partially close to the real conditions, respectively, it is required to develop new computational methods. It is noted that the prospect for the development of this topic is the creation of a new computational software package based on the experimental data.
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