More than 30 types of raw materials are used in the production of portland cement, which are divided into four main categories: calcium, silica, alumina, iron. Cement dust is toxic and can cause allergies, impaired lung function, pneumoconiosis, lung, stomach and colon cancer. In addition, in winter period, antifreeze additives consisting of various chemicals are added to the concrete mixture. Human exposure to these chemicals occurs through the direct contact of employees with a hazardous substance or indirect contact through the air. As a result, the skin, eyes and respiratory tract may be irritated or damaged. Long-term exposure may cause dermatitis or asthma. In this regard, a concrete plant automation system is considered, built on the basis of modern technical solutions, hardware technologies and software, which allows improving the working conditions of the concrete plant employees. Automation of the technological processes at a concrete plant helps to increase production efficiency and minimize the risks of negative impacts on human health by reducing the number of employees who have direct contact with the cement dust and other chemicals. Considering the parameters: cost savings, return on investment, labor productivity, costs, etc., the economic efficiency of production and measures to improve working conditions and safety was assessed. Efficiency calculation showed that labor productivity increases by 50 %. Automation of the processes allowed, without changingthe production volume, to reduce the number of employees at the site in question by 4 people, ease the work of operators by eliminating the manual control panel, and improve air quality through the installation of carbon filters. With a total one-time cost of 11 200 000 rubles for upgrading equipment, purchasing software and installing carbon filters, the payback period will be 3 years, which proves the high efficiency of capital investments in automating the production processes of a concrete plant.
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