Safety Assessment of Floating Technical Means of Oil and Gas Complex using «Survivability» Criterion


Current standards related to floating oil and gas platforms and production installations require ensuring maximum safety, i.e. protection of both floating technical means and personnel from hazards in emergency situations in the offshore zones. Due to the Arctic extreme natural and climatic conditions, such as ice formations of different nature, extremely low temperatures, frequent storms, icing, etc., drilling operations and production of hydrocarbons on the Arctic shelf are often difficult. In this case, both the drilling operations and the hydrocarbon production are related to hazardous production processes. Therefore, Arctic floating oil and gas platforms and installations should possess an increased ability to compensate for extreme loads, both of natural and technogenic origin, at the same time keeping their functional capabilities.  Current methods of assessing safety of hazardous production facilities do not fully allow to assess the ability of the floating technical means to withstand the full range of extreme effects that it is exposed to in the process of operation in the onshore zone. Therefore, in addition to the existing methods of calculating the reliability and fire safety indicators of the floating technical means, for more reliable assessment of the degree of their protection from hazards of natural or technogenic origin it is proposed to use an additional criterion — «survivability». Using this criterion, the ability of floating technical means to perform their main functions is assessed adapting to the new conditions under extreme impacts of different nature. The article considers the components of the «survivability» criterion for floating technical means, and the gradation of their survivability loss is given. The methodology of quantitative assessment of the survivability of the floating oil and gas platforms and installations of different function is proposed, taking into account the probabilistic nature of natural and technogenic impacts on them.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2020-2-51-55
Year: 2020
Issue num: February
Keywords : safety analysis accidents Arctic shelf floating technical means
  • Kharchenko Yu.A.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof. of the Department,, Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Atayan G.E.
    Deputy General Director OOO «Gazprom gazobezopasnost», Moscow, Russia
  • Gritsenko A.I.
    Prof., Chief Research Associate OOO «Gazprom VNIIGAZ», Moscow, Russia