Russian enterprises have a successful experience of work without accidents and injuries, but unfortunately, this experience is not documented and not duly analyzed. That is why the main objective of the article is to study, document and illustrate the experience of safe work organization by the example of the coal mine «Ayach-Yaga» of the association Vorkutaugol, which was operating without fatal injuries for nine years (1989–1997).
The results achieved by the management and employees of the mine in such a dangerous plant, as coal mining by the underground method, showed: it is possible to work safe at the domestic enterprises; safety is the main condition for ensuring stable and efficient operation of the enterprise.
The results of the analysis of the external and internal working conditions of the «Ayach-Yaga» mine, carried out transformations, as well as approaches on improving safety of miners used at that time allow to confirm that the main success factors were personal interest, real concern of the company head about the employees safety and severe labor and technological discipline of the employees.
Based on the work experience of the Ayach-Yaga mine, and also well-known work experience of other enterprises and their managers, the requirements are formulated concerning the position of the first head of the enterprise on ensuring occupational safety. General principles of the successful work in the field of ensuring production safety: the priority provision of work organization and labor discipline; involvement of all the employees in this activity; actions aimed at prevention of negative events; personal responsibility for safety, etc.
Implementation of the above principles will ensure the change in the perception of safety and attitudes towards it from negative to positive, and the integration of function of ensuring labor safety into production activity.
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