The complex concept of buildings and structures residual life is considered, the methodology for assessment of the residual life in the framework of an industrial safety expertise is analyzed. The main approaches are presented concerning determination of the residual life as the physicomechanical characteristic of buildings and structures, advantages and disadvantages are identified. The method of calculating the residual life of buildings based on the principle of «safe operation in terms of technical condition» is considered in detail. The key parameters of the technical condition are identified, which allow to determine the residual life.
Building structures technical condition was assessed by visual method as part of industrial safety expertise. According to the results of the identified defects by visual inspection, the residual life was calculated based on the methodology for physical wear assessment. The performed calculations allow to assess the service suitability of industrial building structures in time before and after repairs, establish the repair time, and also to predict the possibility of the limiting state onset in the absence of repair, which facilitates to increase building reliability.
On the basis of reliability and safety analysis the need was revealed concerning improvement of buildings and structures technical diagnostics based on the development of innovative automated control technologies that use an integrated service ability assessment for more accurately prediction of the service life and residual life of an object. Therefore, the transition from the control methods of individual indicators of structural elements to the methods of its condition control, as a whole, will allow to obtain the objective and more accurate indicators of buildings technical condition assessment, as well as to reduce the work labor input.
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