The Main Causes of Industrial Injuries Occurred during the Operation of Mining Dump Trucks in Gold-Mining Enterprises of Southern Yakutia


Solid minerals mining is one of the main trends in the economic development of the Russian Federation. Mining dump truck transportation is an extremely essential component of the mining industry; in the coming decades, this transport will continue to be crucial for the transportation of overburden and minerals during open-pit mining in the course of the development of solid mineral deposits. Despite the numerous advantages of mining dump trucks, employment of this transport is one of the most hazardous technological processes in the Russian mining industry. More than one-third of all fatal accidents that have occurred in mining production can be associated with mining pump trucks. For example, the number of fatalities registered in certain areas of gold-mining enterprises of Southern Yakutia and associated with the operation of mining dump trucks can reach two cases per year. The goal of the study is to establish the main causes of industrial injuries during the operation of mining dump trucks employed by gold-mining enterprises of Southern Yakutia and the development of various measures to prevent such injuries. According to the results of conducted studies, accidents that occurred during the operation of mining dump trucks were caused by violations of safety rules and requirements in combination with human factors. To ensure the safe operation of mining dump trucks in gold-mining enterprises of Southern Yakutia, control over loading and speed of mining dump trucks should be strengthened; the process of repair job performance must be randomly checked on a regular basis; workers must regularly undergo tests for knowledge of safety rules and requirements for operation of mining dump trucks; and the material and technical base of the trucks must be upgraded. The suggested measures to minimize industrial injuries can be useful for both Russian and international mining companies that employ mining dump trucks.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2024-3-33-37
Year: 2024
Issue num: March
Keywords : injury rate analysis recommendations injuries mining dump trucks gold-mining enterprise
  • Ovchinnikov N.P.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof., Director, M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russia