Experience in the Integrated Inspection of the Condition of Hazardous Production Facilities through the Example of AO «Apatit»


The results are presented concerning the integrated inspection of the actual condition of the operated hazardous production facilities at AO «Apatit» Cherepovets complex with the involvement of the independent specialized organization — Closed Joint-Stock Company «Scientific and Technical Center of Industrial Safety Problems Research» on the eve of the planned inspection of Rostechnadzor.

Brief information is given about AO «Apatit», where the main emphasis is made on the technological features of hazardous production facilities to be inspected.

Inspection planning procedure is described, including the formation of a group of direct executors and their distribution by objects. The principles of the formation of the criteria for compliance with which it was conducted is presented in the article. Description is given concerning the inspection course, including the preliminary and cameral parts. Attention is focused on the tools for conducting inspection).

The obtained results are analyzed. All the identified non-compliances are referred to specific hazardous production facilities, recommendations for each of them are developed.

Evidence is presented related to the effective implementation of the requirements on conducting the integrated inspection of the actual condition of the operated hazardous production facilities with the involvement of the independent specialized organization, parallels are established between the inspection procedure and the fundamentals of industrial safety audits laid down in the draft law «On industrial safety». The problems are outlined that need to be addressed for the successful implementation of this new element of industrial safety regulation.


The results are presented concerning the integrated inspection of the actual condition of the operated hazardous production facilities at AO «Apatit» Cherepovets complex with the involvement of the independent specialized organization — Closed Joint-Stock Company «Scientific and Technical Center of Industrial Safety Problems Research» on the eve of the planned inspection of Rostechnadzor.

Brief information is given about AO «Apatit», where the main emphasis is made on the technological features of hazardous production facilities to be inspected.

Inspection planning procedure is described, including the formation of a group of direct executors and their distribution by objects. The principles of the formation of the criteria for compliance with which it was conducted is presented in the article. Description is given concerning the inspection course, including the preliminary and cameral parts. Attention is focused on the tools for conducting inspection).

The obtained results are analyzed. All the identified non-compliances are referred to specific hazardous production facilities, recommendations for each of them are developed.

Evidence is presented related to the effective implementation of the requirements on conducting the integrated inspection of the actual condition of the operated hazardous production facilities with the involvement of the independent specialized organization, parallels are established between the inspection procedure and the fundamentals of industrial safety audits laid down in the draft law «On industrial safety». The problems are outlined that need to be addressed for the successful implementation of this new element of industrial safety regulation.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2020-2-62-66
Year: 2020
Issue num: February
Keywords : industrial safety hazardous production facility inspection audit