Determination of the Residual Strength of a Polyamide Rope 24 Months after Exposure to Strong Acids


The article is the result of two years of research on the effect of strong acids on the residual strength of polyamide rope. To observe the degradation of rope strength, all the work was divided into several time stages, at each of which the condition of the polyamide rope was assessed, and its residual strength was determined. Solutions of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, which are often part of the household detergents, were selected for the study. These products are used by the glass and facade cleaners to remove heavy dirt.

The study examined samples that were exposed to strong acids 24 months ago, conducted a visual inspection and strength check. During the visual inspection of the samples, a white coating, and traces of destruction of the braid and part of the core were recorded. On a static stand, the residual strength of the samples was determined, for which the average value of the residual strength was calculated. For samples exposed to hydrochloric acid, the average value of residual strength was 3.67 kN, and for sulfuric acid — 3.09 kN. When compared with the previous stage of the study, the loss of strength turned out to be insignificant, and visual inspection made it clear that it is required to pay attention to the effect of acids at the early stages of contact, and to conduct daily inspection controls during work.

Based on the data obtained, it was revealed that the strength of the rope drops significantly already 5 days after exposure to acids, the decrease in strength for the 10th month is more than 50%, while further indicators of strength loss are insignificant. From a visual point of view, defects in the final stages of the study are not hidden, and clearly demonstrate the destruction of the rope.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2022-10-54-59
Year: 2022
Issue num: October
Keywords : safety personal protective equipment rope work at height residual strength speleology mountaineering acids