Online Human Risk Assessment at the Industrial Plants


Risks of the employee unsafe behavior associated with their abilities and personal qualities are considered. The methodology is presented in the article concerning the risk assessment of unsafe behavior using online assessment by knowledge tests, ability tests and a professional personality questionnaire Deep Safety developed by Detech. The results of the employee online assessment are presented. The analysis of the criterion sample showed that the level of abilities and the level of expression of safety competencies affects both the number of cases of unsafe behavior and the overall results of work. A positive correlation was also found between the level of verbal intelligence and the propensity for safe behavior. Four safety competencies have the greatest correlation with the actual severity of safe behavior — they are law-abiding (following the rules), adherence to principles (intolerance to violations), responsibility, non-conflict. The first three of them have a positive correlation, while employees who are examples of safe behavior demonstrate a higher level of conflict. This can be explained by the fact that when they encounter violations or unsafe behavior, they openly point out this, suppress violations not being afraid to go to confrontation in the interests of ensuring safety.

Online assessment is a fast and cost effective way of assessment, and, moreover, easily integrates with the professional tests and other assessment tools. We recommend that such an assessment be carried out in labor collectives with an interval of 1.5–2 years, which makes it possible to track the dynamics of indicators. One more advantage of this assessment system is that it allows not only to identify those who are prone to unsafe behavior, but to form the best strategy for interaction with the employee, to recruit labor collectives, in which, for example, the low law-abidingness of some employees would be compensated for by the high integrity of the manager and team-mates.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2021-3-81-87
Year: 2021
Issue num: March
Keywords : occupational safety safety culture propensity for unsafe behavior safety competencies online personnel assessment tests personality questionnaire violations criterion sampling safety climate diagnostic value