On the System Control of Labor Protection and Industrial Safety Condition in the Construction Organizations

A. Basarab, Candidate, abakaryagina@bk.ru FGBOU VO «Kaliningrad State Technical University», Kaliningrad, Russia


Brief analysis is given related to the industrial injuries condition in construction. Significance of implementation of the control system of labor protection and industrial safety condition in the construction industry is shown. Recommendations are given concerning the performance of three-stage control of labor protection and industrial safety condition taking into account specifics of construction operations.
The article is devoted to the description of the program of checking labor protection and industrial safety condition in the construction organization. The formula is provided which ensures efficiency and objectivity of checks of professional risk assessment on the basis of the four-point scale. It is noted that the formula can be used for comparison of the condition of labor protection and industrial safety in various structural subdivisions of the large construction organizations. The significance of research, the practical importance of the provided program of control allowing to improve the quality of test operations, objectivity and efficiency of the control is emphasized.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-11-58-64
Year: 2017
Issue num: November
Keywords : industrial safety labor protection professional risk construction system control points assessment check program
  • Basarab A.
    Occupational Safety Specialist, abakaryagina@bk.ru Kaliningrad office Public Auction Company (PAC) «Rostelecom», Kaliningrad, Russia