G.G. Vasilev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department S.I. Sencov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Head of the Department I.A. Leonovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant, srgnp@gubkin.ru I.M. Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia
The issues of formation and development of the normative regulation system of the activity for designing and construction of the field pipelines are considered. The analysis concerning the status of the normative base regulating this field is given.
Ensuring safety of the pipelines objects within the frame of the voluntary system of standardization relies on the code of the federal laws of the Russian Federation. They establish as the list of issues, which fall under the state regulation, and the list of normative documents of mandatory and voluntary application. The existing system is analyzed concerning the normative regulation of the field pipelines safety within the frame of the developing state system of ensuring safety of the pipeline transport objects. The comparative analysis related to the system of the main pipeline transport and the networks of gas supply and gas distribution is performed. The perspective model of the development of standard regulation of structure safety and operation of the field pipelines within the frame adopted in the state system of technical regulation and standardization for the objective of increasing of the reliability of these objects operation is proposed in the Article.
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