M.V. Mirkis, Chief Engineer, info@gitest.ru S.V. Bortkevich, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Dep. Gen. Dir. AO «Proektno-izyskatelskoe nauchno-issledovatelskoe byuro «GITEST», Moscow, Russia A.G. Bugaevskiy, Cand. Sci. (Phys.–Math.), Dep. Dir. Filial OAO «Institut Gidroproekt» — «TsSGNEO», Moscow, Russia V.I. Shcherbina, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Dir. AO «Nauchno-issledovatelskiy institut energeticheskikh sooruzheniy», Moscow, Russia
Condition was studied of the centralized water disposal systems, some part of which had lost the possibility of safe operation due to wear and rupture of the materials that is especially important in seismically hazardous areas. Destruction of such objects as a result of seismic effect can lead to the occurrence of emergency situations, causing damage to industrial objects, agriculture and infrastructure of municipalities.
In the current situation it is required to ensure safe operation of the centralized water disposal systems in seismically active areas, especially those where the level of the regulatory seismicity had been increased in relation to the assessments adopted during design stage of the facilities. According to the maps of the general seismic zoning OSR-2015, about 25 % of the territory of the Russian Federation where engineering structures were constructed without considering seismic hazard can now be subjected to the earthquakes with intensity of 7 and more points.
It became necessary to develop technical regulations «Seismic safety of the centralized water disposal systems». It will establish the procedure for ensuring safe operation of the centralized water disposal systems in seismically active regions of the country, determine the scope of work to assess seismic hazard depending on the class of the facility, and, also prescribe the appropriate engineering and administrative-organizational measures based on the results of engineering seismological studies and calculations of constructions seismic resistance.
If the object of the centralized water disposal system is recognized seismically unsafe, it is required to develop measures for strengthening the building structures, networks, facilities, their foundations and bases. In case of economic impracticality of such measures, the decision shall be made to build new seismically safe objects.
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