On the Establishment of the Tolerable Risk Levels of Accident for Assessment of Compensatory Measures Sufficiency in Substantiation of Safety of Hazardous Production Facility of Oil and Gas Complex


Tolerable risk levels of accident are required for comprehensive assessment of compensatory measures sufficiency when developing substantiation of safety of hazardous production facility in cases of deviation from the requirements of the federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety. This procedure is regulated by the Safety guide «Methods of the establishment of accident tolerable risk at substantiation of safety of hazardous production facilities of oil and gas complex». The main outcome of the absolutely small period of its validity — realized and in many respects methodical shift from risk-guiding approach to risk-oriented approach in the field of industrial safety mastered by expert community. Basic methodical provisions and problematic issues of the procedure of establishing tolerable risk levels of accident are considered. For differentiation of the transition from the potential of accident hazard to its implementation it is required to have special criterion, which is proposed to characterize by different levels of tolerable risk.
The methods do not establish any specific numerical values of accident tolerable risk. It regulates the recommended procedure of the tolerable risk establishment by the developer of the document «Substantiation of Safety of Hazardous Production Facility» required to it for the assessment of sufficiency of the compensatory safety measures: at the specific hazardous production facility and at the specific deviation from the requirements of the federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety.
Conditions of safe operation of hazardous production facility are consistently substantiated: by defining the set of the parameters and selection of key indicators of safe operation of hazardous production facility; by the assessment of values of the selected indicators before and after the required deviation from safety requirements; by comparison of values of the selected indicators of safe operation of hazardous production facility with criteria of ensuring safe operation at deviation from safety requirements; by substantiation of the decision on safe operation of hazardous production facility.
The methods allow not only to develop the regulatory document «Substantiation of Safety of Hazardous Production Facility», but also to facilitate detection and prevention of new hazards and threats for safe future of industrial Russia.

A.I. Grazhdankin, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Department Head, gra@safety.ru A.S. Pecherkin, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., First Dep. General Dir. STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russia O.V. Nikolayenko, Department Head PAO GAZPROM NEFT, Saint-Petersburg, Russia


Tolerable risk levels of accident are required for comprehensive assessment of compensatory measures sufficiency when developing substantiation of safety of hazardous production facility in cases of deviation from the requirements of the federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety. This procedure is regulated by the Safety guide «Methods of the establishment of accident tolerable risk at substantiation of safety of hazardous production facilities of oil and gas complex». The main outcome of the absolutely small period of its validity — realized and in many respects methodical shift from risk-guiding approach to risk-oriented approach in the field of industrial safety mastered by expert community. Basic methodical provisions and problematic issues of the procedure of establishing tolerable risk levels of accident are considered. For differentiation of the transition from the potential of accident hazard to its implementation it is required to have special criterion, which is proposed to characterize by different levels of tolerable risk.
The methods do not establish any specific numerical values of accident tolerable risk. It regulates the recommended procedure of the tolerable risk establishment by the developer of the document «Substantiation of Safety of Hazardous Production Facility» required to it for the assessment of sufficiency of the compensatory safety measures: at the specific hazardous production facility and at the specific deviation from the requirements of the federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety.
Conditions of safe operation of hazardous production facility are consistently substantiated: by defining the set of the parameters and selection of key indicators of safe operation of hazardous production facility; by the assessment of values of the selected indicators before and after the required deviation from safety requirements; by comparison of values of the selected indicators of safe operation of hazardous production facility with criteria of ensuring safe operation at deviation from safety requirements; by substantiation of the decision on safe operation of hazardous production facility.
The methods allow not only to develop the regulatory document «Substantiation of Safety of Hazardous Production Facility», but also to facilitate detection and prevention of new hazards and threats for safe future of industrial Russia.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-12-51-57
Year: 2017
Issue num: December
Keywords : Substantiation of Safety hazard threat risk of accident tolerable risk of accident compensatory measures