On the Efficiency of Degassing of the Extraction Sites for the Conditions of Flat Layers of Kuzbass South

Yu.M. Govorukhin, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Leading Researcher, govorukhinym@gmail.com A.N. Domrachev, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Senior Researcher V.G. Krivolapov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Leading Researcher D.Yu. Paleyev, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Department Head FGKU «National Mine Rescue Center», Novokuznetsk, Russia Yu.M. Filatov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), General Director AO Scientific Center of VostNII on Industrial and Ecological Safety in Mining Industry, Kemerovo, Russia


The results of the mathematical modeling of processes of gas collector formation in the worked-out area at the development of the extraction pillars by the complex longwall mining. As the worked-out area has aerodynamic connection with the operating developments, it is obvious that it is an integral part of mine ventilation network. Due to the fact that the caved media — the important components of gas balance of the extraction sites, for the development of the effective control systems of gas emission it is required to integrate in them the model of the worked-out area during creation of computer models of the ventilation networks.
The authors have taken into account that cavities distribution in the porous media — irregular, chaotic and filtrational flows are characterized by irregular changes of the current lines. On this basis the assumption is accepted that filtration in the worked-out area happens in the turbulent mode.
To resolve the set problem the Ventilation software complex is applied. During creation of the model the mining-geological and mining-technical conditions of one of the mines of the Baydayevsk field are used. Methane release at the worked-out area is set according to the main components of gas balance. Methane abundance of each source is estimated by means of the Ventilation of the worked-out areas software.
Modeling is done related to aero gasdynamic processes in the worked-out area for different control systems of gas emission at the section. The results of researches are presented in the form of 3D models and isosurfaces of layers of the three-dimensional difference grid. The control system is proposed related to gas emission with the use of the isolated removal of methane and air mix from the developed space by the degassing holes drilled from the surface in the zone of maximum concentration of methane in the collapse zone.
The applied approach allows to develop the effective technical and technological solutions ensuring increase in safety of conducting mining operations and increase in load on the working face.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-12-11-17
Year: 2017
Issue num: December
Keywords : methane emission degassing worked-out area developed space layers satellite dike methane aerodynamic resistance a gas collector efficiency of degassing