On the Capabilities of Blasting-Perforation Operations of the Borehole Instrumentation for their Safety Increase

I.A. Gayvoronsky, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Adviser Director General, popova@vnipivzryv.ru A.A. Merkulov, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), General Director OAO VNIPIvzryvgeophizika, Ramenskoye, Russia


At hazardous production facilities of oil and gas development the blasting-perforation operations are widely used, at which blasting-perforation equipment of different functions is applied, and they comprises explosives or products on their basis — explosive materials. Ensuring safety of such operations is based on the provisions and the requirements of operational and normative-technical documentation. The significant changes, which take place in technique and technologies of conducting blasting-perforation operations, organization of performance and the forms of monitoring at all stages of such operations, result in need of timely addition or a specification of the normative documents on blasting-perforation operations safety.
Attention is focused on more detailed review of one of the aspects of technology of blasting-performation operations — up-to-date capabilities of the borehole instrumentation and monitoring in ensuring their safety. The specifics are considered related to the built-in check of blasting-performation operations safety at the objects of oil and gas development. on objects of oil and gas production. It is noted that the basic reasons of injuries are governed by the unauthorized actuation of means of initiation from electromagnetic radiations, which effect on the electrical systems of initiation is still insufficiently studied, as well as with regrads to ground currents of different frequencies.
Some aspects of increase in safety of blasting-perforation operations in oil and gas wells by protection of the blasting circuit against unauthorized actuation of explosive devices on the surface, and also due to use of the equipment for objective monitoring of blasting-perforation operations and the technological process in on-line mode are specified in the article.
For the purpose of normative support of blasting-perforation operations safety monitoring in oil and gas wells it is proposed to introduce the relevant requirement to the being developed new edition of the Federal safety norms and rules at blasting operations.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-8-33-36
Year: 2017
Issue num: August
Keywords : normative documents equipment blasting-perforation operations oil and gas wells electric detonators explosives explosive materials electromagnetic radiation ground currents blasting circuit interlock devices technological process instrumental monitoring