On Some Conditions for Occurrence of Ultimate Limit State of the Coal Seam Roof at its Development by the Room

N.V. Cherdantsev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Laboratory Head, nvch2014@yandex.ru FGBNU «Federal Research Centre of Coal and Coal Chemistry of SO RAN», Kemerovo, Russia


The problem on the transition of the rocks of the layer roof to ultimate limit state is solved in a classical manner. The rock mass containing the coal seam and the working driven on it is loaded with an equicomponental gravitational stress field and located in the conditions of flat deformation. The strength of the roof rocks exceeds the strength of the formation. Its conditional stress diagram corresponds to Linkov diagram with a linear softening section and the presence of residual strength section. In the course of solving the task, two versions of transition of the rocks of layer roof to ultimate layer state are considered. According to the first obtion the collapse of the roof rocks above the working is due to their transition to ultimate limit state in the zone of bearing pressure ahead of the mine face. On the second option the roof, which has separated from the main massif due to its stratification and which is a jammed beam at the ends, is collapsed in one of the jams under the influence of its own weight. The problem is solved by the methods of mechanics of the deformed solid and the structural mechanics of the rod systems. Based on the results of the conducted studies the dependences of the coefficient of the roof rocks from the span of the working, at which it is transferred to the ultimate limit state on two versions, are built.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-5-17-23
Year: 2017
Issue num: May
Keywords : rock massif coal seam mine working ultimate limit state of the layer roof Coulomb-Mora strength theory
  • Cherdantsev N.V.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Chief Research Associate, nvch2014@yandex.ru, Federal Research Centre of Coal and Coal Chemistry of SO RAN, Kemerovo, Russian Federation