O.V. Smirnov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Department Head, SmirnovOV@suek.ru AO SUEK, Moscow, Russia A.M. Krasjuk, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof. I.V. Lugin, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof. IGD SO RAN Named after Tchinakala N.A., Novosibirsk, Russia
Parallel operation of two axial fans at the mine main fan installation is considered. The analysis of its aerodynamic parameters with axial fans of the main ventilation of VOD-30, VOD-21 and AVM-28 at their parallel switching on is given. On the example of the aerodynamic characteristics of the mine it is shown that in case of fans parallel operation the option is preferable, at which the fans of smaller standard size are used compared to the fans at the gas-air installations. This is governed by obvious economic advantages due to capital costs reduction. Thus, the volume of a building for a gas-air installation is reduced — 2,8 times, its cost — 2,5 times, the installed capacity of an electric drive —3 times, mass of mechanical equipment — 2,5 times, which results in decrease of the building area and volume for gas-air installations, the sizes of protective pillars. At the same time, the losses of coal in the pillars are significantly decreased. Reduction of building overall dimensions can play a decisive role at the constrained building of the shaft inset and the impossibility to expand the building for gas-air installation in the event of its modernization and the need to replace the fans with larger diameter fans.
It is noted that the disadvantage of fans parallel operation is related to decrease of gas-air installation capacity, and shutdown of one of them. In this case, the capacity of the running fan in the forced mode (for the period of restoration of the main ventilation fan working capacity) is about 80 % of the required one.
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