On Increasing the Efficiency of Communications in the Development of the Employees Safety Culture

S.A. Mazhkenov, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Deputy Director General, Mazhkenov.SA@naftagaz.com OJSC NaftaGaz, Moscow, Russia


The article considers one of the main problems hampering the development of safety culture at the enterprise — low level of efficiency of communications on labor protection issues. Effective communication is understood as providing a person with relevant knowledge and information in order to form the necessary convictions for him to ensure the required behavior. Efficient communication depends on two components: quality of training and transmission of message by the communicator, and the preparedness of the recipient to perceive the information. The article focuses on four significant groups of factors of human perception of the information: the factor of understanding efficiency, the factor of directive, the factor of information stability, and the factor of information clarity. Knowledge of these factors and their skillful application make it possible to furnish information in such a way as to ensure that employee will form the required convictions in the field of industrial safety, which in turn will become the basis of his safe behavior. The article gives practical recommendations on the creation of efficient communication systems facilitating the enhancement of safety culture of the enterprise employees.


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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2017-8-55-59
Year: 2017
Issue num: August
Keywords : occupational safety culture safety efficient communication communication barriers information perception factors model of safe behavior
  • Mazhkenov S.A.
    Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Deputy General Director, hse-sam@yandex.ru «Safety Technologies» ltd, Vladimir, Russia