Justification of the Calculation Methodology of Safe Parameters of the Development System with Hardening Mixtures Backfilling


Increase in metallic ore production determines the use of intensive methods for the development of ore deposits, which is associated with an increase in labor hazard for the miners. The issues of safe interaction between ore-bearing and artificial massifs are becoming relevant when increasing the depth of mining operations, increasing stresses and their corresponding deformations. The purpose of the work is to minimize hazard for the miners by optimizing technological processes parameters based on the rational use of natural and induced stresses with the prevention of deformations of natural and artificial massifs. The goal is achieved by organizing comprehensive field and analytical studies at a metallic deposit using geophysical monitoring data.

The results are given concerning engineering-geological zoning of the deposit on strength of ore-bearing rocks, which serve as input data for designing the parameters of the rock mass exposures and predicting its stability in the process of a longwall face extraction. Differentiated assessment is provided related to the engineering-geological sections with ranking by broken condition. The algorithm for calculating the permissible horizontal and vertical sizes of the stopes of the deposit next floor is proposed, depending on the stability of the undermined artificial massif of the previous floor, which forms the load on the underlying stopes. Nomograms are developed for calculating the equivalent vertical exposure of the rock and filling mass and the normative strength of the large fill, and, also to calculate the strength of the bearing layer of the hardening filling when mining chambers by the combined method on bending stresses and shear stresses.

Improvement of labor safety for the employees working in the underground mining is ensured, inter alia, by regulating the processes of interaction between natural and induced stresses and deformation of the second working. The results of the study can be required in the development of rock deposits of complex structure by systems with hardening mixtures filling.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2020-6-67-71
Year: 2020
Issue num: June
Keywords : occupational safety underground method stresses deformations ardening mixture field development filling nomogram
  • Golik V.I.
    v.i.golik@mail.ru, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., NKMMI (GTU), Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation; Prof., Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Klyuev R.V.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Prof. of the Department, kluev-roman@ramler.ru, Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Maslennikov S.A.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Head of the Department, The Institute of Service Sector and Entrepreneurship (branch) of Don State Technical University, Shakhty, Russian Federation
  • Burdzieva O.G.
    Cand. Sci. (Geogr.), Laboratory Head GPI VSC RAS, Vladikavkaz, Russia