Ensuring Safety at the Construction Site. Methodology of Static Testing of the Mineral Wool Joint for Punching between the Floor Slab and Building Facade during the Construction Stage


The article presents the main provisions of ensuring safety on the construction site. Safety of the joint (at the construction stage) between the ceiling plate and the facade cladding sealed with the mineral wool (stone wool) and a firestop sealant is considered. 

A seam that has not yet been sealed presents a potential hazard of injury or falling objects to a lower level that requires actions within the standard procedures. When a seam is sealed, its hazard becomes less obvious.

The purpose of this work is to assess the safety of the described design. For this purpose, a test setup, a method for testing a seal for static strength were developed, the tests were carried out with subsequent analysis and conclusions.

The object of study is a seal (at the construction stage) between a reinforced concrete slab and a facade finishing element filled with a mineral wool and covered with a highly elastic refractory sealant. The testable criterion for the performance of the joint is its ability to withstand the load of a person.

As a possible further continuation of this work, the first aspect that needs to be studied is the testing of a building element of a similar design during its operation phase, when the joint is covered with a reinforced screed with a thickness of 50 mm. The second important aspect is that the performance criterion should be extended to the fall of a rigid object from a height, and the appropriate tests should be carried out. The third important aspect is the need to develop test methods, in which the joint will be subjected to dynamic impact, since if the resistance of the joint to foot penetration or to objects falling from a height is considered, the load will not have a slow, static nature.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2021-6-61-68
Year: 2021
Issue num: June
Keywords : safety construction site static tests joint mineral wool firestop sealant
  • Antonova V.A.
    Engineer, ppe_mgsu@mail.ru Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russia
  • Vasilenko V.V.
    Acting Manager, ppe_mgsu@mail.ru Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russia
  • Lelikov G.D.
    Engineer Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russia
  • Gromov N.V.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Deputy Director Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russia