On the Experience of Distances Reduction between the Gas Producers


As per item 353 and Appendix № 6 of the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety «Safety rules in the oil and gas industry», the smallest distance between the mouths of production gas and gas condensate wells is 40 m. According to the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety «General requirements for substantiation of safety of a hazardous production facility» this substantiation should include the list of activities containing additional safety measures, compensatory deviations from the requirements of the regulatory documents. To confirm sufficiency of the compensatory measures, the results of studies, calculations, tests, simulation of emergency situations, risk assessment or analysis of operating experience of similar hazardous production facilities are required. At the well pads of oil, gas and gas condensate wells the most hazardous accidents are open uncontrolled blowouts at the wellheads with jet fire occurrence.

The indicators, which are traditional for the quantitative risk assessment, in this case cannot adequately characterize the degree of hazard due to lack at the similar facilities of the workplaces, in which permanent stay of the personnel is provided. Therefore, when substantiating the reduction of the distances between the gas and gas condensate wellheads, the criterion of compensatory measures sufficiency may be the time during which the absorbed dose of thermal radiation at the adjacent equipment will reach the threshold value. If this threshold is exceeded, the equipment can be considered destroyed. The main safety measure in case of deviations from the established requirements for the distances between the mouths of the gas and gas condensate wells is the installation of the downhole shut-off valve.


As per item 353 and Appendix № 6 of the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety «Safety rules in the oil and gas industry», the smallest distance between the mouths of production gas and gas condensate wells is 40 m. According to the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety «General requirements for substantiation of safety of a hazardous production facility» this substantiation should include the list of activities containing additional safety measures, compensatory deviations from the requirements of the regulatory documents. To confirm sufficiency of the compensatory measures, the results of studies, calculations, tests, simulation of emergency situations, risk assessment or analysis of operating experience of similar hazardous production facilities are required. At the well pads of oil, gas and gas condensate wells the most hazardous accidents are open uncontrolled blowouts at the wellheads with jet fire occurrence.

The indicators, which are traditional for the quantitative risk assessment, in this case cannot adequately characterize the degree of hazard due to lack at the similar facilities of the workplaces, in which permanent stay of the personnel is provided. Therefore, when substantiating the reduction of the distances between the gas and gas condensate wellheads, the criterion of compensatory measures sufficiency may be the time during which the absorbed dose of thermal radiation at the adjacent equipment will reach the threshold value. If this threshold is exceeded, the equipment can be considered destroyed. The main safety measure in case of deviations from the established requirements for the distances between the mouths of the gas and gas condensate wells is the installation of the downhole shut-off valve.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2019-3-75-80
Year: 2019
Issue num: March
Keywords : industrial safety requirements substantiation of safety accident compensatory measures well quantitative risk assessment gas production escalation downhole shut-off valve
  • Zhukov I.S.
    Research Associate STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russia
  • Sorokin A.N.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Senior Research Assistant Autonomous Noncommercial Organization «Industrial Risk Research Agency», Moscow, Russia
  • Kruchinina I.A.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Director ANO «Industrial Risk Research Agency», Moscow, Russia
  • Agapov A.A.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Director of the Computational Analysis Center, inform@safety.ru STC «Industrial Safety» CJSC, Moscow, Russia
  • Malykh K.V.
    Engineer STC «Industrial Center» CJSC, Moscow, Russia