On the Improvement of Fire Safety System for the Objects with Mass Stay of People


Information is given about the fires and deaths of people at the objects with their mass stay that occurred on the territory of the Russian Federation. Brief analysis is provided concerning the federal legislation initiated by the Government of the Russian Federation due to the current negative fire situation at the objects of the category under consideration.

It is proposed to introduce a change to the Technical regulations on fire safety requirements.  This change is related to the duplication of fire alarms of fire alarm system, installed at the additional objects (per class of functional fire hazard) with mass stay of people, to the control panel of the nearest fire brigade units without participation of the plant employees. Buildings of classes F2.1 and F3.1 are added to the buildings of functional fire hazard classes F1.1, F1.2, F4.1, F4.2). Substantiation for this need is stated.

Despite of the fact that this norm is more stringent, the system of duplication will allow to increase the efficiency of state control over the fulfillment of the requirements in the field of fire safety through remote and immediate transmission of the signal about the system malfunction. In fact, the signal output will be the basis for the development of the automatic monitoring systems for fire condition of the object through communication with various types of fire protection systems (automatic fire extinguishing installations, fire-fighting ventilation systems, fire curtains, etc.).

Social and economic consequences of the proposed changes are aimed at ensuring coordinated and effective actions of the state authorities, state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and the local government bodies required for increasing the level of fire safety at the objects with mass stay of people, which will significantly reduce the risks and fire hazards and threats of people death.

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  4. On the Strategy of National Security of the Russian Federation: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2015 № 683. Available at: https://base.garant.ru/71296054/ (accessed: June 12, 2019). (In Russ.).
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  8. On fire prevention regime: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 № 390 (as amended on 03.07.2019). Available at: http://base.garant.ru/70170244/#ixzz4c7mdIB28 (accessed: June 12, 2019). (In Russ.).
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  10. On approval of the methods for determining the calculated values of fire risk in the buildings, constructions and structures of various classes of functional fire hazard: order of EMERCOM of Russia dated June 30, 2009 № 382 (as amended on 12.02.2015). Available at: http://base.garant.ru/12169057/#ixzz4U0fq6wO7 (accessed: June 12, 2019). (In Russ.).
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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2019-9-26-30
Year: 2019
Issue num: September
Keywords : fire safety objects with mass stay of people fire protection fire alarm system fire warning system changes in the legislation
  • Fomin A.I.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Leading Researcher (AO «NTs VostNII», Kemerovo, Russia), Head of the Department (KuzSTU, Kemerovo, Russia)
  • Besperstov D.A.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof. (Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russia)