Cargo transportation by the technological vehicles is one of the main links in functioning of the industrial enterprises. At the same time, the operation of vehicles directly depends on the human factor, which contributes to an increase in the road accidents, one of the causes of which is driver fatigue. Numerous works were devoted to the attempts on solving this problem, containing an analysis of the signs of fatigue, which include changes in the time of reactions to light and sound, vehicle control dynamics, eyes functioning, blinking frequency, and others. It is required to find the ways for their quantitative assessment. However, the studies based on the principles of observation and experiment accepted in biology do not allow obtaining the specific result, since these studies are of descriptive character.
In connection with it, the analysis of this problem from the standpoint of the laws of physics was carried out. From this point of view, a living organism is a biological system functioning in accordance with the laws of non-equilibrium thermodynamics in the form of a continuous alternation of cycles of the biochemical reactions that ensure the maintenance of its non-equilibrium state and vital activity by consuming and releasing energy.
Analysis of the published studies results showed that it is enough to analyze the process of fatigue by changes in the time of reactions to light and sound, for which the required technical means are available. It is necessary to abandon the analysis of other features, the measurement of which is very problematic.
The conducted studies of the patterns of changes in the reaction time to light and sound of the driver both in the process of driving a vehicle and during short and long breaks showed that these patterns are identical and obey the law of mass action, which allows to carry out the required calculations of the safe time of driving a vehicle.
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