On the Problem of Quantitative Assessment of the Severity and Intensity of Labor of theTechnological Vehicle Drivers


The working conditions of technological vehicle drivers in terms of severity and intensity are regulated by the normative documents «P 2.2.2006—05. Labor hygiene. Guidelines for the hygienic assessment of factors of the working environment and the labor process. Criteria and classification of working conditions» and Federal Law № 426-FZ of December 28, 2013 «On a special assessment of the working conditions». In these documents, a quantitative assessment of working conditions by severity and tension factors is made conditionally, without considering all influencing factors, using a points system. At the same time, these documents indicate that the work is safe if the changes in the functional state of the body as a result of work are restored during rest, or by the beginning of the next shift. At the same time, there are no ways to determine them, since the research methods in biology and medicine are mostly based on observations and experiments, which does not allow obtaining an objective quantitative assessment of the working conditions. The paper considers methods and equipment for determining the duration of recovery of the functional state of the body of technological vehicle drivers during rest and quantitative assessment of the severity and intensity of their work according to this criterion.
To study the severity of driver work, the regularities and duration of changes in the frequency of their heartbeats during rest were analyzed using the test loads. And to study the intensity of labor, the regularities, and durations of the processes of changing the time of driver reactions to light and sound were studied.
As a result of the studies, the regularity of the processes of restoring the functional state of the body of technological vehicle drivers was established, and the possibility of quantitatively assessing the severity of labor by the criterion of the duration of restoration of the normal heart rate, and its intensity - by the duration of the restoration of the reaction time of drivers to light and sound, was shown.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2022-9-40-45
Year: 2022
Issue num: September
Keywords : quantitative assessment severity of the labor process fatigue labor process intensity driver research technological vehicles reaction time
  • Dobroborskiy B.S.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof., Research Associate, 5542797@rambler.ru, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  • Medres E.E.
    Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof. Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Saint-Petersburg, Russia