On the Use of the Federal Norms and Rules Regulating the Work Organization at Hazardous Production Facilities of the Mining and Metallurgical Industry



The article considers the regulatory and legal control of industrial safety as to the organization of safe work at hazardous production facilities of the mining and metallurgical industry of the Russian Federation. The historical aspects of the development of the regulatory framework of occupational safety in the Russian Federation that earlier divided the requirements for the organization of safe work into occupational safety and industrial safety have been mentioned. The analysis of the systems of regulatory and legal framework of the international and Russian legislations, as well as the industrial practices of occupational safety management implies that the activities to ensure the organization of safe work must be constantly developing. The evaluation of the Russian legislation has demonstrated that the tight links between the legal areas of occupational safety and industrial safety did not consider some aspects of the requirements for industrial safety regulation.

General industrial safety requirements provide for the development of regulatory and legal acts such as federal norms and rules that contain more detailed requirements for ensuring the safety of workflows, employees, and other specific types of activities. In order to resolve the issues of the organization of safe work, the Federal norms and rules «Ensuring industrial safety in the organization of work at hazardous production facilities of the mining and metallurgical industry» approved by the Order of Rostechnadzor on November 13, 2020, № 440 (hereinafter FNP), were developed. When developing the Federal norms and rules for industrial safety, the entire range of requirements for the safety of the organization of various jobs has been analyzed; the requirements for the work organization at hazardous production facilities of the mining and metallurgical industry have been formulated. Earlier, these jobs were regulated only by the requirements contained in the regulatory and legal acts of occupational safety.

The article refers to the sections of the Federal norms and rules for industrial safety where classification of the types of jobs at hazardous production facilities at the current stage are explained as the basis for further development of legal regulation. Explanations for the following sections are provided: on the work organization during operation, maintenance, and repair of equipment and building construction and repairs; on determining and controlling high-risk jobs; on organizational and engineering measures regulating high-risk jobs; on work permits for high-risk jobs; and on the decision-making when choosing safety tools for the work organization.

The current aspects of regulatory and legal control over high-risk jobs contained in the Federal norms and rules for industrial safety will be a significant contribution to the understanding of occupational safety processes as to their use by senior officials of enterprises in order to ensure further reduction of accident rate at 


The article considers the regulatory and legal control of industrial safety as to the organization of safe work at hazardous production facilities of the mining and metallurgical industry of the Russian Federation. The historical aspects of the development of the regulatory framework of occupational safety in the Russian Federation that earlier divided the requirements for the organization of safe work into occupational safety and industrial safety have been mentioned. The analysis of the systems of regulatory and legal framework of the international and Russian legislations, as well as the industrial practices of occupational safety management implies that the activities to ensure the organization of safe work must be constantly developing. The evaluation of the Russian legislation has demonstrated that the tight links between the legal areas of occupational safety and industrial safety did not consider some aspects of the requirements for industrial safety regulation.

General industrial safety requirements provide for the development of regulatory and legal acts such as federal norms and rules that contain more detailed requirements for ensuring the safety of workflows, employees, and other specific types of activities. In order to resolve the issues of the organization of safe work, the Federal norms and rules «Ensuring industrial safety in the organization of work at hazardous production facilities of the mining and metallurgical industry» approved by the Order of Rostechnadzor on November 13, 2020, № 440 (hereinafter FNP), were developed. When developing the Federal norms and rules for industrial safety, the entire range of requirements for the safety of the organization of various jobs has been analyzed; the requirements for the work organization at hazardous production facilities of the mining and metallurgical industry have been formulated. Earlier, these jobs were regulated only by the requirements contained in the regulatory and legal acts of occupational safety.

The article refers to the sections of the Federal norms and rules for industrial safety where classification of the types of jobs at hazardous production facilities at the current stage are explained as the basis for further development of legal regulation. Explanations for the following sections are provided: on the work organization during operation, maintenance, and repair of equipment and building construction and repairs; on determining and controlling high-risk jobs; on organizational and engineering measures regulating high-risk jobs; on work permits for high-risk jobs; and on the decision-making when choosing safety tools for the work organization.

The current aspects of regulatory and legal control over high-risk jobs contained in the Federal norms and rules for industrial safety will be a significant contribution to the understanding of occupational safety processes as to their use by senior officials of enterprises in order to ensure further reduction of accident rate at 

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2024-6-34-40
Year: 2024
Issue num: June
Keywords : industrial safety hazardous production facilities regulatory and legal regulation high-risk jobs mining and metallurgical industry classification of job types work permit safety tools