The operation of high-pressure equipment requires special attention from the point of view of ensuring its safety. This problem is becoming increasingly relevant every year. According to various estimates, currently 60–80 % of high-pressure equipment at the industrial enterprises has already exhausted its standard service life. In this regard, there is a need to select and develop a promising method of operating production equipment that would consider the peculiarities of the state of modern domestic industry.
The conducted analysis of the methods of operating high-pressure equipment showed that the strength criterion is used as the main criterion for assessing the technical condition of various devices and assemblies included in its composition. However, this approach contradicts the functional purpose of high-pressure equipment — its tightness. To increase the safety and tightness of such equipment when choosing a method of its operation, special schemes for sealing and monitoring of sealing units are proposed, allowing for conducting digitalization of their technical condition.
Using this approach will allow to manage the process of ensuring the sealing of high-pressure equipment during its operation. Positive test results of the modernized sealing units in high-pressure equipment, subject to operating conditions, are a sufficient argument for its approval for use.
The inclusion in the regulations on the system of maintenance and repair of enterprises operating hazardous production facilities, the requirements for ensuring the tightness of sealing units will allow:
reduce the risk of depressurization of the sealing units;
increase production profitability by reducing emissions;
maintain the sustainability of the business using high pressure equipment.
The feasibility of using this approach was repeatedly confirmed by the work of JSC IrkutskNIIkhimmash.
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