On the Methodology of Risk-oriented Standardization of Safety Parameters at the Design and Construction of Gas and Oil Pipelines


Pipeline transportation of hydrocarbons is a field of commercial activity of the joint-stock type enterprises. Their goal is to extract profit, for which it is required to start increasing cost effectiveness by reducing costs. On the other hand, the movement of significant volumes of explosion and fire hazardous substances that contaminate the environment represents a constant potential hazard to all the objects of natural and anthropogenic origin, located in direct vicinity to gas and oil pipeline. When solving the tasks of the design, construction and operation of the pipelines, the number of contradictions is emerging. The more resources are invested in ensuring safety of the pipeline, the higher are the operating costs. At the same time, the worse is the pipeline integrity, the greater is the integral damage emerging when operating the object.

At the design and construction of pipelines, the client, the designer and the builder are forced to rely on the set of rules, international and state standards, which are often incomplete or contradictory. As a result, the conflicts are constantly emerging between the companies operating pipelines and the state supervision and regulatory bodies.

The state policy of the normative regulation and control and supervision activities is gradually deviating from directive establishment of norms and procedures, and start developing general principles of regulation, which are often based on the methodology with risk-oriented approach. The successful example of such innovations is ensuring the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities. General principles of using similar methods in the design and construction of the pipeline transportation of hydrocarbons are considered. Possible models and mechanisms are studied related to maintaining the balance of interests between the goals of state regulation and entrepreneurial activities of the operating organizations. The mechanism for implementing risk-oriented standardization is proposed.

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DOI: 10.24000/0409-2961-2019-2-84-90
Year: 2019
Issue num: February
Keywords : pipeline transportation gas and oil pipeline design construction risk-oriented standardization safety of gas and oil pipelines
  • Vasilyev G.G.
    Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Prof., Department Chairman, srgnp@gubkin.ru Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia
  • Leonovich I.A.
    Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof. Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia
  • Latifov K.A.
    Deputy Department Director AO «KazTransOil», Astana, Kazakhstan